
Hoffmann Machine Company Report A Truly Positive Return To Ligna In Hannover.
There were various machines on show at the event, ranging from the smaller bench top X-line 20 and MU-3, up ...

Ecogate® Ligna Debut “Outstanding”
Sales director, Jake Oldfield, admitted that they were “hard-pushed to cope with the level of visitor interest, which was nothing ...

Biesse – Master Of Materials, Since 1969
“At Ligna we shared how our work can unleash the potential of any material through an immersive installation that showcased ...

SCM’s New Entries Attracted Considerable Interest At Ligna 2023
Considerable interest shown in the Group’s new automated and connected solutions, software and services for integrated digital processes and world ...

Showtime for Combilift at Ligna
In the four years since the last Ligna took place, Irish handling specialist Combilift has been busy introducing new models, ...